Drinks On Dusty

Ep 35: "Long Story Long" featuring DJ and Matthew with Dirty Martinis/ Tequila Soda

June 29, 2023 Dustin Sutliff Episode 35

Long story long folks.....this episode is one for the record books!  It is unhinged, hysterical, all over the place and is just the kind of episode that Drinks On Dusty was created for.  Two one of a kind dudes let a country/football loving/frat boy into their life/friendship and it created a bond like no other!!  DJ and Matthew come on the podcast and really just take it over!!!!! The love that I have for these two is unreal and live without them would really just be...boring.  

DJ is an actor, performer, dancer, Impression MASTER, and a Brittany Spears connoisseur! The dude literally can hear the first 3 seconds of any Brittany Spears song and tell you exactly what song and Album it is!! He is someone that makes me laugh like no one ever can. A man with a heart of gold that gives his whole heart to all that he cares about.  

Matthew is in Education Management, singer, performer, everybody's favorite human, and someone who can make everyone fall in love with him.  He tells the greatest stories and is one of those friends that you don't ever want to lose.  A ride or die if there ever was one!

In this episode we talk about it all while we drink Dirty Martini's and Tequila Sodas!  We talk about the horrible lighting in my room, musical influences,  finding love and connection, and "Straight Days".  These two have a long lasting friendship and they share one how they found their way back to each other to build an even stronger connection.  There is never a dull moment with these two and you will laugh, cry, laugh, and laugh more during this episode!!!  The boys  truly take over this podcast and make it one hell of a time.  So grab a drink and listen to these two tell stories, berate me about a lamp, and bond over a wonderful friendship! Cheers Y'all!