Drinks On Dusty

Ep 34: "The Best Friend" featuring Myles and Gin

June 15, 2023 Dustin Sutliff Episode 34

The time has come....the best friend has come on the podcast!!!!  Ladies and gentleman I give you my best friend, Myles Phillips!!!!  

This episode will go every direction you can think of!  When Myles and I get together, our brains become one.  We talk about whatever pops into our head at that moment.  Our friendship is the most special bond I have in my life and  I do not know where or what I would be doing with out it.  This friendship is what legends are made of folks!!!   

Myles is an actor, musician, rapper, puppet master, and he is the most talented person that I know. Myles is someone that walks into the room and he becomes every ones favorite person.  He thinks outside the box, and you really never know what is going through his head. That makes being his best friend one hell of a ride!!!  

Topics that we cover  in this Drinks on Dusty special make NO sense but, thats how we like it!  We talk about Toast, hating each other at first, random hook ups, and much more.  We also get to dive into Myles child hood with growing up in a predominately white neighborhood, and what his journey has all been.   Where he has grown what struggles he has to battle on a daily basis. How to battle with anxiety and not feeling good enough. 

Of course, we dive into our connection and what has made this friendship so legendary and important to each of this! So grab a drink and listen to two best friends drink, and have one hell of a conversation (sometimes it won't make sense lol). Cheers Y'all!