Drinks On Dusty

EP: 33 "Daring to fail gloriously" featuring Tyler Riley and Coney Island Pilsners

May 18, 2023 Dustin Sutliff Episode 33

Y'all, Tyler is truly the great friend that none of us deserve!  In this episode of drinks on dusty, we bring on one of the best friends anyone could ever ask for, In Tyler.  We grab some Coney Island pilsners and toast to daring to fail gloriously!

Tyler is an actor, director, artistic director of "Company of Fools" theatre  company and much more.  We met doing a Shakespeare show called "Much Ado About Nothing" and from then on its been an honor to have as great a friend as he is in my life. He is a loyal, giving, and  passionate person that shows up for the people in his life,  and anyone that has his friendship is lucky to have it.

In this episode we talk about being afraid to fail and overcoming that fear.  It's a tricky emotion to navigate and Tyler gives an insight on how he works through that fear.  We also touch on his and I's love for professional wrestling, that we grew up on from when we were kids.   Also, did you know that it is ILLEGAL to pump your own gas in New Jersey......ya, I found that out on this episode as well.   I've been slumming it, pumping my own gas for years, while Tyler just sits in his cozy car and roles his window down a smidge lol.  

We talk about our connection, how we met, disagree over Wendy's , and laugh over a story on how Tyler did most of leg work and I got all the credit for it :).  So grab  your favorite drinks and listen to a couple of good friends toast while we let the drinks flow and the conversations grow!  Cheers Y'all!